Is it safe to play pickleball After Spine Surgery?

Pickleball continues to gain in popularity in the Coastal Carolina area.  Many patients are eager to get back on the courts after surgery.

Pickleball is generally considered a low-impact sport with a lower risk of injuries compared to more high-impact sports. It is often viewed as a sport suitable for individuals of various ages and fitness levels. However, like any physical activity, injuries can still occur. It's important to note that injury rates and types can vary based on factors such as player skill level, age, fitness, and the presence of any pre-existing conditions. Here are some common types of injuries associated with pickleball:

1. Sprains and Strains
2. Tennis Elbow (Lateral Epicondylitis)
3. Rotator Cuff Injuries
4. Ankle Sprains
5. Knee Injuries
6. Blisters and Calluses
7. Dehydration and Overexertion
8. Eye Injuries

Your return to low-impact sports, such as pickleball, after spine surgery will depend on the type of surgery you have undergone, your overall medical condition, and your rate of healing.  In general, we suggest to completing 4-6 weeks of supervised physical therapy after surgery prior to resuming low-impact sports.  Voice your desire to return to pickle ball with your therapist.  Your therapist will help you develop a post-operative exercise regimen designed to prepare you to return to the sport. 

When you are cleared to play by your provider it is important to slowly resume your sport.  Start with brief, controlled sessions that do not involved too much exertion.  Gradually increase the duration of play each week as tolerated.  If resuming the sport is leading to increased or new pain stop playing and discuss with your provider.

It's also important for pickleball players to take preventive measures to minimize the risk of injuries. This includes proper warm-up and stretching, using appropriate footwear, maintaining good technique, and being aware of the playing surface. Additionally, players should listen to their bodies, rest when needed, and seek medical attention for any persistent pain or discomfort.

After Spine Surgery was developed with the providers at Coastal Spine Institute, PC to help patients and caregivers prepare for the recovery process after spine surgery. The recommendations in this guide may not be applicable to your spine surgery. Consult with your medical team.

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